You, in D.C. Tomorrow, at Reckoning With Torture
Snowmageddon aside, if you live in D.C., you're lucky, because tomorrow night, you can go to the ACLU's Reckoning With Torture event for *FREE* at Georgetown Law School's Hart Auditorium.
This event will feature members of Congress, writers, artists and others reading from recently declassified torture documents like the Office of Legal Counsel torture memos and FBI e-mails, as well as detainee testimonials and statements made by former Bush administration officials.
Congressmen John Conyers (D-Mich.), Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), and Bobby Scott (D-Va.) will take a break from haggling over health care to participate, and will be joined by Alice McDermott, Paul Auster, Susan Shreve and The Daily Show's Aasif Mandvi!
And it's free!
They'll be joined by Georgetown constitutional law professor David Cole, former CIA special agent Jack Rick, and former senior military interrogator Matthew Alexander, who will not be speaking from behind a screen. ACLUers Jameel Jaffer, Ben Wizner, Larry Siems and the new director of our Washington Legislative Office, Laura Murphy, will also be featured in the event.
And artist Jenny Holzer (BTW, you should follow her on Twitter, because her feed is amazing) will have a special presentation of her Redaction Paintings. (David Breslin, who works for Holzer, blogged about the paintings for our Accountability for Torture forum last year).
We'll see you tomorrow. All the event details are here.
Did we mention it's free?
If you can't join us, you can tune in to the webcast (we'll post a link tomorrow), and you can still help by sending a message to Attorney General Eric Holder, calling on him to expand the scope of the DOJ's investigation to include the senior Bush administration officials who authorized torture.
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