
BRCA - Case Documents

Document Date: December 9, 2010

Appeals Court

> Amicus Briefs:
- E. Richard Gold, James P. Evans, and Tania Bubela (12/10/2010)
- Southern Baptist Convention (12/8/2010)
- National Women's Health Network, Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice, Center for Genetics and Society, Generations Ahead, Pro-Choice Alliance for Responsible Research, and Alliance for Humane Biotechnology (12/8/2010)
- International Center of Technology Assessment, the Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism, Greenpeace, Inc., Friends of the Earth, and the Council for Responsible Genetics (12/8/2010)
- AARP (12/8/2010)
- Professor Eileen M. Kane (12/7/2010)
- American Medical Association and Other Medical Associations (12/6/2010)
- Erika George and Kali Murray (12/6/2010)
- March of Dimes and Other Patient Groups (12/6/2010)
- Scholars of Biotechnology Patent Law (12/6/2010)
- Universities Allied for Essentials Medicines (12/6/2010)
- Cancer Council Australia and Luigi Palombi (12/3/2010)
> Brief for the Appellees (11/30/2010)
> Brief for the United States as Amicus Curiae in Support of Neither Party (10/29/2010)

District Court
> Opinion on Motion for Summary Judgment (3/29/10)
> Memo of Law In Further Support of Plaintiffs MSJ and In Opposition to Myriad and USPTO (1/20/2010)
> Expert Declarations (1/20/2010)
> Opinion on Motion to Dismiss (11/2/2009)
> Expert Declarations (8/26/2009)
> Amicus Briefs:
- March Of Dimes And Other Patient Groups (8/26/2009)
- American Medical Association And Other Medical Associations (8/27/2009)
- Nat'l Women's Health Network and Other Organizations (8/28/2009)
- Int'l Center for Technology Assessment, Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism, Greenpeace, and Council for Responsible Genetics (9/10/2009)
> Plaintiffs' Memo in Support of Motion for Summary Judgement (8/26/2009)
> Complaint (5/12/2009)

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