
Charitable Giving and the "War on Terrorism Financing"

Document Date: June 16, 2009

> Report: Blocking Faith, Freezing Charity: Chilling Muslim Charitable Giving in the "War on Terrorism Financing" (6/16/2009)
> Executive Summary

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Click on the map to learn more about the closing of charities in your state >>

Case Study: The Story of Samir S. PDF

Recommendations PDF

"Chilling Effect on Muslim Charitable Giving and Impact on Religious Freedom" PDF

Report: Blocking Faith, Freezing Charity
6/16/2009 - The ACLU released a comprehensive report, Blocking Faith, Freezing Charity, documenting the consequence of U.S. government actions on American Muslims' exercise of their right to profess and practice their religion through charitable giving. The ACLU's research shows that U.S. terrorism financing policies and practices are seriously undermining American Muslims' protected constitutional liberties and violating their fundamental human rights to freedom of religion, freedom of association, and freedom from discrimination.
Read the ACLU report >>


> Demand Religious Freedom for Everyone in America


> Blog: Jennifer Turner - Restore Religious Freedom for Charitable Donors (6/16/2009)
> Blog: Joel Engardio: Blocking Faith, Freezing Charity


> Video: Blocking Faith, Freezing Charity (6/16/2009)
> Recommended Reforms to Protect Religious Freedom
> Map: Closing of Charities State-By-State
> KindHearts for Charitable Humanitarian Development, Inc. v. Paulson et al.(10/09/2008)
> Designating Non-Profits As Terrorist Organizations Without Due Process Undermines Security And Humanitarian Aid, Say Groups (2/27/2009)
> Unindicted Co-conspirators and the Presumption of Innocence
> ACLU Challenges Government's Stigmatizing Of Mainstream Muslim Groups In Holy Land Case (6/18/2008)
> OMB Watch: Nonprofit Organizations and Counterterrorism Measures (off-site)


> Charitable Giving and the "War on Terrorism Financing"
> (Arabic Language Release)


> New York Times: A.C.L.U. Report Says Antiterror Fight Undercuts Liberty of Muslim Donors (6/15/2009) (off-site)
> CNN, The Situation Room: Muslim charities hurting (6/16/2009) (off-site)
> Associated Press: ACLU says terrorism finance laws hurt charities (6/16/2009) (off-site)
> NPR: Muslims Face Risk In Giving To Charities (6/16/2009) (off-site)
> Los Angeles Times: ACLU condemns U.S. crackdown on Muslim charities (6/17/2009) (off-site)
> Detroit Free Press: ACLU: Crackdown on Islamic charities limits freedom (6/16/2009) (off-site)

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