Khizr Khan to Donald Trump: My Offer Still Stands

Stand with Khizr Khan & the ACLU - Fight to Protect People's Constitutional Rights

A few months ago, I offered to lend my pocket Constitution to Donald Trump. When he assumes the office of president in a few weeks, the offer still stands.

It is clear from Trump’s statements that he thinks he can violate the rights of immigrants, Muslims, women, and more. We need to let him know that we won’t stand by and watch that happen.

I invite you to join me in the fight to protect people’s constitutional rights. Donate to the ACLU.

Trump’s incendiary and divisive proposals run counter to the ideals of this country—ideals that have made America a place where people of all faiths and backgrounds come together, ideals that many have given their lives for. As an American Muslim, and the father of Captain Humayun Khan—who died in Iraq in 2004 while saving fellow soldiers’ lives—I am deeply committed to upholding those ideals.

I will not stand idly by and wait to see if walls are built, if Muslims are put through “extreme vetting,” or if forms of torture are reauthorized.  I know that now is the time to prepare to defend our rights. We need to join together and stand with the ACLU.


If anyone knows how to defend our constitutional rights, it’s the ACLU. And right now they are preparing for an unprecedented fight. I know ACLU attorneys and activists around the country will give their all to defend civil liberties—but they are depending on the support of people like you and me. Please act now.

Immediately after the election, the ACLU promised that they would be vigilant every day of Trump’s presidency. I make that promise, too. I hope you are with us.

For freedom,

Khizr Khan's signature
Khizr Khan

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