Internet Privacy
The ACLU works in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and the laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.

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NetChoice v. Fitch
Child Safety, Free Speech, and Privacy Experts Tell Supreme Court: Texas’s Unconstitutional Age Verification Law Must be Overturned
ACLU Cheers Ninth Circuit Decision to Block Content-Based Provisions of California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act
ACLU Slams Senate Passage of Kids Online Safety Act, Urges House to Protect Free Speech
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What We're Focused On
Consumer Online Privacy
The ACLU works in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and the laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.
The ACLU works in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and the laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.
Email Privacy
The ACLU works in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and the laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.
Social Networking Privacy
The ACLU works in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and the laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.
What's at Stake
New technologies are making it easier for governments and corporations to learn the minutiae of our online activities. Corporations collect our information to sell to the highest bidder while an expanding surveillance apparatus and outdated privacy laws allow the government to monitor us like never before.
With more and more of our lives moving online, these intrusions have devastating implications for our right to privacy. But more than just privacy is threatened when everything we say, everywhere we go, and everyone we associate with are fair game. We have seen that surveillance—whether by governments or corporations—chills free speech and free association, undermines a free media, and threatens the free exercise of religion.
We shouldn’t have to choose between using new technologies and keeping our personal information private. The ACLU works to promote a future where technology can be implemented in ways that protect civil liberties, to limit the collection of personal information, and to ensure that individuals have control over their private data.
New technologies are making it easier for governments and corporations to learn the minutiae of our online activities. Corporations collect our information to sell to the highest bidder while an expanding surveillance apparatus and outdated privacy laws allow the government to monitor us like never before.
With more and more of our lives moving online, these intrusions have devastating implications for our right to privacy. But more than just privacy is threatened when everything we say, everywhere we go, and everyone we associate with are fair game. We have seen that surveillance—whether by governments or corporations—chills free speech and free association, undermines a free media, and threatens the free exercise of religion.
We shouldn’t have to choose between using new technologies and keeping our personal information private. The ACLU works to promote a future where technology can be implemented in ways that protect civil liberties, to limit the collection of personal information, and to ensure that individuals have control over their private data.