McMillen v. Itawamba County School District
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Constance McMillen
The ACLU wanted Itawamba County School District officials in Fulton, Mississippi to reverse their decision to forbid a lesbian student from attending prom with her girlfriend and from wearing a tuxedo to the prom. Constance McMillen, a student at Itawamba Agricultural High School, came to the ACLU for help after school officials told her that she was not allowed to prom with her girlfriend, also a student at IAHS, and that if they arrived separately but slow-danced together they might be thrown out.
In response to a letter demanding that the school allow Constance to attend prom with her girlfriend, the school board issued a statement saying that they were canceling prom for all students.
STATUS: VICTORY! Constance’s school agreed to create a policy protecting students from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, pay Constance $35,000, pay her attorneys' fees in the amount of $67,265.50 and $14,400 in expenses, and have the court enter a judgment against the school.
Legal Documents
Press Releases
Mississippi School Agrees To Revise Policy And Pay Damages To Lesbian Teenager Denied Chance To Attend Prom
ACLU Complaint Takes On “Decoy” Prom For Mississippi Lesbian Student
Court Rules That Mississippi School Violated First Amendment Rights Of Lesbian Student
ACLU Asks Court To Move Quickly Against Mississippi School That Canceled Prom Rather Than Let Lesbian Couple Attend
ACLU Sues Mississippi School That Canceled Prom Rather Than Let Lesbian Couple Attend
ACLU Demands Mississippi School Allow Lesbian Student To Attend Prom With Girlfriend