A sign that says "vote here" among a line of voters.

Quinn v. Raffensperger

Location: Georgia
Status: Ongoing
Last Update: October 3, 2024

What's at Stake

The ACLU, along with several partner organizations, have sought to intervene in this case to represent the rights of voters and voting-rights organizations in a case that asks a federal court to compel the state to conduct list maintenance and move voters to the inactive list on the eve of a presidential election. The relief that the private plaintiffs seek is presumptively unlawful because this list maintenance activity would happen within 90 days of a federal election, in violation of the National Voter Registration Act (“NVRA”).

On September 26, two Georgians filed a lawsuit alleging that the State has failed to conduct voter-list maintenance as required by the NVRA and by governing Georgia law. They make their claims based on unknown database matching that they undertook with an outdated voter file. They ask the court to order the state to send notices to all voters identified by their database matching and to move any voter who does not respond to the notice to the inactive list prior to the November 2024 election.

Representing the Georgia State Conference of the NAACP, the Georgia Coalition for the People’s Agenda, Inc., and the League of Women Voters of Georgia, the ACLU, along with ACLU of Georgia, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and Legal Defense Fund, has sought to intervene in the case. We ask the court to reject the plaintiffs the relief seek, which would be unprecedented and in clear violation of federal law—made more troubling in the eve of the November 2024 election.

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