
The ACLU Freedom Files - Gay & Lesbian Rights

Document Date: April 6, 2006

Children separated from parents, loved ones left alone to battle illness, shared property seized by the state—these scenarios may sound like the stuff of nightmares, but they’re all too real for gay and lesbian families.

“Gay & Lesbian Rights” introduces you to people who are doing their best to lead ordinary lives but must fight for the rights that most Americans take for granted.

Alvin and Nigel are in the process of adopting three children from the foster care system. Because adoption law in Maryland says they both can’t adopt at the same time, Alvin currently has no parental rights–and worries that he would lose the children if something were to happen to Nigel.

While Carol was ill with cancer, she and Heather had to fend off constant challenges from hospital employees about their relationship. After that, they decided to get a medical power of attorney and other legal documentation, but Heather still had to defend her right to be at her partner’s side during a recent incident.

After Sam, an Oklahoma rancher, lost his longtime companion, Earl, he lost the ranch they’d shared for 23 years to distant cousins of Earl’s because the state won’t recognize their relationship.

This episode of The ACLU Freedom Files–which includes humorous takes on heavy issues by comedians Judy Gold and Margaret Cho–shows the harm that occurs when loving couples’ relationships aren’t recognized.

The ACLU Freedom Files is a 10-part series that strips away the sound bites to reveal how civil liberties affect real people. It features real clients and the attorneys who represent them. By combining real stories and dynamic storytelling the series creates a powerful emotional effect that will motivate viewers to action. Other episodes explore issues such as the Patriot Act, Dissent, Religious Freedom and Voting Rights.

“Gay & Lesbian Rights” airs on Link TV (DIRECTV ch. 375/Dish ch. 9410) April 13 and Court TV April 15. For video footage, DVD ordering and details on TV broadcasts, go to

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