
Feature on MATRIX

Document Date: March 8, 2005


The MATRIX (Multistate Anti-TeRrorism Information eXchange) surveillance system combined information about individuals from government databases and private-sector data companies. It then made those dossiers available for search by government officials and combed through the millions of files in a search for ""anomalies"" that may be indicative of terrorist or other criminal activity. It was terminated in April 2005, though components continued to be made available to police in individual states. More. . .

Matrix Snoop Program Dismantled
(April 15, 2005)

Issue Briefs

General Links

Documents Received through FOIA Requests by the ACLU (state that supplied the information in parentheses)

New! Documents posted May 20, 2004

Minutes from MATRIX Board Meetings

Information from Federal Grants

State Concerns with the MATRIX

MATRIX Data and Applications

Legal Documents involving the MATRIX

Press Releases

Take Action!

Is your state an active participant in the MATRIX data mining program?

If so, now is your opportunity to do something about it.

  • Citizen of Connecticut? Click here to send a fax asking your state legislator to pull out.
  • Citizen of Florida? Send a fax asking your state legislator to pull out.
  • Citizen of Michigan? Click here to send a fax asking your state legislator to pull out.
  • Citizen of Ohio? Click here to send a fax asking your state legislator to pull out.
  • Citizen of Pennsylvania? Click here to send a fax asking your state legislator to pull out

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