
Legal Documents in the Challenge to Illegal NSA Spying

Document Date: August 28, 2006

> Plaintiffs-Appellees' Motion and Memorandum in Support of Motion to Unseal Secret Materials (1/26/2007)
> Plaintiffs-Appellees' Response to Defendants-Appellants' Supplemental Submission (1/26/2007)
> ACLU Appeal Brief (11/13/2006)
> ACLU Reply Brief (12/18/2006)
> Government Appeal Brief (10/13/2006)
> Government Reply Brief (12/4/2006)
> Brief of Amicus Curiae ABA New York et al. (11/21/2006)
> Brief of Amicus Curiae Constitutional Scholars (11/21/2006)
> Brief of Amicus Curiae NAACP et al. (11/21/2006)
> Brief of Amicus Curiae Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (11/21/2006)
> Brief of Amicus Curiae Center for National Security Studies et al. (11/21/2006)

> Memorandum Opinion by Judge Taylor (8/17/06)
> Defendants' Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss (6/30/06)
> Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss (6/20/06)
> Plaintiffs' Reply Memorandum in Support of Partial Summary Judgment (6/5/06)
> Declaration of Leonard M. Niehoff (6/5/06)
> Declaration of Barnett R. Rubin (6/5/06)
> Declaration of Nazih Hassan (6/5/06)
> Declaration of Joshua L. Dratel (6/5/06)
> Declaration of Mohammed Abdrabboh (6/5/06)
> Declaration of Nabid Ayad (6/5/06)
> Order Denying Defendants' Motion for Stay (5/31/06)
> Defendants' Motion to Stay Consideration of Plaintiffs' Motion (5/26/06)
> Defendants' Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss (5/26/06)
> Declaration of John D. Negroponte, Director of National Intelligence (5/27/06)
> Declaration of Major General Richard J. Quirk, NSA Signals Intelligence Director, (5/27/06)
> Defendants' Motion to Dismiss (5/26/06)
Amicus Briefs in Support of Plaintiffs
> Business Leaders (4/20/06)
> Civil Rights Leaders (5/8/06)
> New York City Bar Association (5/5/06)
> Members of Congress (5/10/06)
> Plaintiffs' Memorandum in Support of Partial Summary Judgment (3/9/06)
> Statement of Undisputed Facts (3/9/06)
> Exhibits (3/9/06)
> Declaration of Larry Diamond (3/9/06)
> Declaration of Nancy Hollander (3/9/06)
> Declaration of Tara McKelvey (3/9/06)
> Declaration of William Swor (3/9/06)
> Plaintiffs' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (3/9/06)
> Complaint (1/17/06)

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