
Messages of Support Sent to Parents and Teachers Involved in Kitzmiller v. Dover

Document Date: December 19, 2005

The ACLU challenge to the teaching of "Intelligent Design" in Dover, Pennsylvania's public schools garnered national attention and influenced a debate about the role of religion in our society and our government.

To illustrate support to parents and teachers involved in the case, the ACLU delivered more than 21,000 signatures from people across the country.

Here are a few of the messages regarding this important religious liberty case:

"I am a professor at Yale University, a teacher of evolution, and a proud product of a public school system science curriculum. I give you my warm thanks for defending the right of science education that I was able to enjoy and the hope you are giving to future generations of scientists. You are heroes! Good luck. My thoughts are with you." -- Laurie Santos, Massachusetts


"As a scientist, I am concerned with the attempt to include theology in the science classroom and to reduce the rigor of the science program by equating the well established theory of evolution with intelligent design, which has no empirical basis." -- C Sharyn Magee, New Jersey


"To those who are choosing to take a stand against this most terrifying infringement on our religious and educational freedom...I thank you a million times over. Your courage is inspirational to us all!" -- Erin K. Murphy, West Virginia


"I am deeply Christian, and I deeply support your cause. Religion and science are separate realms - and they need to stay that way. The thought of a government agency instructing me or my children about religion is frightening. Thank you." -- Mike Cavosie, Indiana


"I have followed this case in the Philadelphia Inquirer every day, but the newspaper rarely provides information about the people behind this case. As a card-carrying member of the ACLU, I appreciate your courage in fighting this fight. As a resident of a small town in Pennsylvania, I appreciate your willingness to stand up against neighbors to fight for your beliefs. As a university administrator, I appreciate your ability to draw the difference between a scientific concept and a religious concept. Please know that there are people in the country who admire you for taking this stand." -- Mary Jo Pauxtis, Pennsylvania


"I am a physician in family practice. I have taught Sunday School for 52 years and serve as a trustee in a child care institution. With all of this religious background, I am firmly convinced that the Bible is not a book of science. In fact, the church and science have been in conflict for over a thousand years - and it still is. But truth wins eventually, and "creationism" is not science - not truth - and is even poor theology. Hang in there. I support your cause. If we let these anti-scientific people win, progress in medicine and most other scientific advances will slow or cease." -- Sherman Hope, MD, Texas


"Patriots are not some super hero that you read about in a history book. No, they are people like you that have the courage to stand up for their rights even in the face of adversity. You are patriots in every sense of the word. Thank you and keep fighting." -- K. Johnson, Virginia


"You make us proud to be Americans. This is what this country is all about. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We stand with you." -- Armineh Noravian, California


"What you are doing is very important in this day and age when the line between church and state continues to blur. Living in Colorado Springs, I see this blurring happening daily. Just the other day a friend told me of a situation in which her 3rd grade daughter was introduced to the concept of Intelligent Design by her classroom teacher as he introduced their class science unit. The parent was furious and had a meeting with the teacher. The teacher not only did not appear to have the basic facts about evolution, he saw nothing wrong with what he had done since evolution "is just a theory anyway." Frightening! Please know that you have many supporters nationwide who appreciate what you are doing as it affects us all." -- Julie Feuerbach, Colorado


"Trying to teach biology without evolution is like trying to teach chemistry without atoms. I am grateful to people like you who are willing to fight for quality science education for your own children and for all our children. Courage!" Bruce Maclennan, Tennessee


"This country was founded on the principle of religious freedom. I firmly believe that means keeping religion in the home and in church, not in the classroom. Though I don't have children, if I did I would hope to have people like you in MY community, standing up for what's right." -- Gaye Cocoman, Ohio


"We need to maintain the highest standards in the teaching of science in our schools. Only then will the U.S. be able to continue to compete with other nations. The move to teach so-called intelligent design in schools will jeopardize the teaching of science, and hinder the next generation of Americans from understanding science and technology in a critical way." -- Clif Hubby, New York


"To accept the triumph of dogma over rationality and science in seeking to understand the physical world is to embrace ignorance. To promote this choice in deciding how and what our children learn is to condemn them to turn their backs on knowledge and embrace ignorance. Every American's freedom of religious belief is sacrosanct. No American has the right to force public schools to reflect his or her own religious beliefs. This is not about a war against religion, it is about a war against science. Thank you for standing up, at the risk of being misunderstood, demonized and attacked." -- Richard Barber, New York

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