
Military Contractor Human Trafficking - Documents 4/12/2012 DOD-IG Release Part 2a-7, Pages 1877-2440

Document Date: June 28, 2012

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Document summary

4/12/2012 Slideshow addressing the DoD-IG’s requirements and steps to comply with the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (TVPRA 2008), with a focus on site visits for contract investigations evaluations from 2009-2012.

FOIA docs: Document Part 2a1 (1877-1886), Document Part 2a2 (1887-1896), Document Part 2b (1897-1913)

Document summary

4/12/2012 Slideshow containing a brief breakdown of the changes in TIP policy and evaluations between 2002 and 2006 focused primarily the U.S. and Europe with mention of Korea, Okinawa, Bosnia and Kosovo; Results of a 2006 TIP evaluation that was presented to the Office of the Inspector General (Pages 1936-1950).

FOIA docs: Document Part 3a (1914-1926), Document Part 3b (1927-1939), Document Part 3c (1940-1950)

Document summary

4/12/2012 Slideshow presented at Fort Bliss on TIP concerns that were raised and broad TIP policy changes in the military from 2002-2006. Also contains a 2006 brief on Okinawa and the United States Pacific Command (PACOM) concerning TIP awareness within various military branches.

FOIA docs: Document Part 4a (1951-1970), Document Part 4b (1971-1991)

Document summary

4/12/2012 Slideshow brief presented to the United States Pacific Command (PACOM) and the United States Forces Korea (USFK) on TIP concerns that were raised and broad TIP policy changes in the military from 2002-2006; Communications regarding involvement of private contractors in prostitution in Bosnia.

FOIA docs: Documents part 5a (1992-2007), Documents part 5b (2008-2242), Documents Part 5c (2243-2258)

Document Summary

4/12/2012 Discussions regarding DoD-IG TIP evaluation planning and interviews; Older resources on sex trafficking and prostitution in the military and in Asia attached.

FOIA docs: Document Part 6a (2259-2308), Document Part 6b (2309-2356), Document Part 7 (2357-2440)

Expanded summary: Expanded Summary DoD-IG 4.12.2012 release 2a-7

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