
Federal Marriage Amendment

Document Date: March 23, 2004

Despite the rejection of the discriminatory Federal Marriage Amendment by Congress last session, lawmakers in Washington have reintroduced this mean-spirited proposal. We must build on our previous successes and amplify our message to Congress that Americans across the country oppose this harmful Amendment.

Many Americans, including your elected officials in Congress, understand that it would be wrong to write discrimination into our Constitution. But given the support for the Amendment from some powerful leaders, including President Bush, much work must be done to ensure that fairness trumps bigotry again during this session of Congress.

Use the links below to learn more about the proposed Amendment and how to get involved to preserve a Constitution that protects all of our rights — for all of us.

> Text of the proposed amendment
> Talking Points on the Federal Marriage Amendment
> Frequently Asked Questions about the Federal Marriage Amendment
> List of Organizations opposing the Federal Marriage Amendment
> Flyer about the Federal Marriage Amendment for Download
> Letter to the House of Representatives Opposing the Federal Marriage Amendment
> Letter to the Senate Opposing the Federal Marriage Amendment

> Testimony of Kathleen Moltz, M.D., F.A.A.P. Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Wayne State University School of Medicine
> NAACP testimony in Opposition to the Federal Marriage Amendment at the Senate Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary
> Statement of Michael Cooper, 15, Springfield, VA on the Federal Marriage Amendment
> Statement of Justin McGuire, 10, Fullerton, MD on the Federal Marriage Amendment
> Testimony Submitted by Bob Barr, Former Member of Congress, to the House Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on the Constitution on the Defense of Marriage Act and the Federal Marriage Amendment
> Testimony of John Hanes, Chairman of the Wyoming State Judiciary Committee, before the Oversight Hearing on the Defense of Marriage Act Subcommittee on the Constitution of the House Committee on the Judiciary
> Statement by Japanese American Citizens League Director of Public Affairs Kristine Minami Opposing the Federal Marriage Amendment
> Testimony of Bob Barr, Former Member of Congress, before the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on the Federal Marriage Amendment

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