Obama Administration Considering Indefinite Detention Of 9/11 Suspects

November 13, 2010 12:00 am

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Federal Court Trials Only Way To Achieve Real Justice

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NEW YORK - According to an article today in the Washington Post, the Obama administration is considering holding the suspects accused in the 9/11 attacks in indefinite military detention, rather than prosecuting them in federal courts or military commissions. The American Civil Liberties Union has long called for the government to prosecute terrorism suspects in federal courts, which is the only way to achieve real justice.

The following can be attributed to Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the ACLU:

"Attorney General Eric Holder made the right decision last year to prosecute these cases in federal court where the rule of law would be upheld and where justice could be achieved. It would be deeply discouraging if, as reports indicate, the administration is now retreating from that principled and correct position due to political pressure, and instead leaving these cases in a state of limbo with no justice in sight.

"Locking people up forever without prosecuting them through our legal system is un-American, unacceptable and unfair to Americans who deserve to see justice done. It's time to bring these cases to trial - in our criminal justice system, where real justice is possible."

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