ACLU of Nevada statement on DACA

Affiliate: ACLU of Nevada
September 5, 2017 12:00 pm

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LAS VEGAS—The American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada released the following statement on President Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

President Trump’s decision to end DACA is the only the latest act of discrimination to come from this White House. While Joe Arpaio—a racist convicted of disobeying court orders to enforce policies that targeted people of color and promoted racial profiling and discrimination—received a presidential pardon, hard-working, young immigrants are being thrown into legal limbo.

In Nevada, DACA has allowed nearly 13,100 young people to come out of the shadows and contribute to the growth and success of the Silver State. Ending DACA will cost Nevada more than $603.9 million in annual GDP losses. But there will also be a political cost.

Nationally, the DACA program has served as a critical lifeline for nearly 800,000 young immigrants, or “Dreamers,” who came to this country as children and know the United States as their only home.

“President Trump has thrown thousands of Nevada families into chaos with his decision on DACA. DACA recipients have rights under our Constitution, and we will do everything in our power to ensure these members of our communities receive the due process and equality they are guaranteed under the law. These children were brought here by parents searching for a better life, and the Trump Administration treats them contemptibly, by severing the ties that bind them to our communities and country. The discrimination and bigotry that drive the animus to treat these people as anything less than worthy of our full community embrace is appalling. For a nation founded by immigrants, Trump’s discriminatory policies are despicable and damaging, and Nevadans must stand up to such bigotry,” ACLU of Nevada Executive Director Tod Story said.

The ACLU of Nevada will take all action necessary to ensure the rights of Dreamers are protected. But this administration can’t keep playing politics with people's lives. That’s why Nevada’s representatives in the capitol must act to provide permanent relief for Dreamers through legislation.

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