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Can You Smell What the ACLU Is Cooking Up for the Membership Conference?

Jeani Murray,
Washington Legislative Office
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June 4, 2008

Finally, we're just days away from the exciting ACLU Membership Conference 2008!

Okay, I admit it - I'm a huge Top Chef fan! So with that in mind, just like the team in the kitchen, we're cooking up some great stuff for you! Here are some tasty snacks that should whet your appetite for action.

Appetizers - Action Center Booths

Join us at the 15 Action Center booths that will be available right outside the conference main ballroom on the third floor. We will have phones and computers along with issue materials so that you can call or email your member of Congress right from the conference. Some of the other activities at the booths include games, souvenirs, book signings, a scavenger hunts, cookies, film previews, and fun role-playing with local elected officials.

Our Main Course — The Conference

Workshops, speakers, gala celebrations, discussion groups… what more could you ask for?! The conference agenda is full of opportunities to hear from and talk with leaders in civil liberties. Speakers from across the country and around the world will fill your days with their experience and insight. There will be lively discussions and receptions where you can meet and enjoy speaking with other ACLU members from all over the country. And, don't forget the film screenings!

Dessert — Lobby Day

For those of you who are joining us at one of our over 200 meetings with members of Congress, and their staff, we will be converging on the Hill from 2 to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 10. We've prepared lots of materials for you, which will also be at the Lobby Day table near registration. We have two trainings to make sure you have the latest information about the issues swirling in Congress right now, especially about torture, warrantless spying, telecom immunity, and government programs that put our personal information at risk.

We're looking forward to serving up the ACLU Membership Conference 2008. See you soon!

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