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Civil Liberties in the Digital Age: Weekly Highlights

A sinister internet graphic.
A sinister internet graphic.
Caitlin O'Neill,
Criminal Justice and Drug Policy Associate,
ACLU of Northern California
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August 26, 2011

In the digital age that we live in today, we are constantly exposing our personal information online. From using cell phones and GPS devices to online shopping and sending e-mail, the things we do and say online leave behind ever-growing trails of personal information. The ACLU believes that Americans shouldn’t have to choose between using new technology and keeping control of your private information. Each week, we feature some of the most interesting news related to technology and civil liberties that we’ve spotted from the previous week.

SF subway sets public debate on cell shutdown [Cnet]
“‘BART’s temporary interruption of cell phone service was not intended to and did not affect any First Amendment rights of any person to protest in a lawful manner in areas at BART stations that are open for expressive activity,’ reads [BART’s] letter…”

See also: After Cellphone Action, BART Faces Escalating Protests

Don’t like websites tracking you? The courts don’t seem tocare [GigaOm]
“So far, however, the courts seem unsympathetic — one suit was thrown out earlier this year. This week, a second claim was struck down in the state of New York, after the judge ruled that tracking users for advertising purposes is not something that deserves compensation.”

Calif. Assembly passes cell-phone privacy bill [SF Gate]
“The state Assembly unanimously approved a bill Monday that would force law enforcement officers to secure a warrant before they can search the contents of a cell phone.”

You’ve Been Tagged on Facebook — But Now You’re in Control [ACLU-NC Bytes & Pieces Blog]
Allowing you to pre-approve tags and giving you better tools to manage your own profile is a positive step, and we encourage Facebook to turn settings like these on by default and to continue to develop and improve features and tools that give you control over your own personal information. See also:

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