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The Cranky Fringe?

Gabe Rottman,
Legislative Counsel,
ACLU Washington Legislative Office
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May 4, 2007

Andrew Sullivan on the Ron Paul habeas sighting:

And Ron Paul actually mentioned a minor issue called habeas corpus. It is depressing, isn't it, that the forces within the GOP that are now committed to individual liberty are on the cranky fringe. (italics in original)

Yes, it certainly is depressing that many of our Republican friends feel the need to talk hard and strike Jack Bauer poses in order to appear tough on [insert deviant, scary anti-social activity here].That said, having worked with solid red-state-blooded conservatives in the past, I think there is a particular mindset on the right that transcends party or ideology, and which is enormously salutary for American justice and democracy. Ron Paul illustrated that let-us-alone spirit yesterday, and there are many, many other men and women with prized Ronald Reagan bobble-head dolls who feel the same way.The simple fact is, we here in America support individual liberties and limited government because we know that official overreaching is not limited to party or political orientation. Whether you like guns or choice, you know that any diminution of procedural rights for the accused greases up that steep slope. And I would reckon there is a large, perhaps silent, constituency on the right who rose up, even if only in their heads, with hosannas at Congressman Paul's defense of core American values.And to you, I say thank you.

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