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Domestic Drones: Hear About Who’s Watching You from Above

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December 21, 2011

The ACLU recently released a report prompted by the increasing use of surveillance drones by U.S. law enforcement and other agencies. It finds that current privacy protections are lacking, and recommends that new federal rules for domestic drones are needed to safeguard personal privacy and civil liberties.

The Atlantic Wire was good enough to call the report “well-sourced and pretty accessible for even non-privacy experts as it explains everything from how the Federal Aviation Administration is (or isn't) updating regulations to take drones into account and a good old fashioned review of what the Fourth Amendment means.”

You can read the report for yourself here. But if you’d rather listen, check out the report’s co-author Jay Stanley being interviewed on WAMU’s Kojo Nnamdi Show here, or the other co-author Catherine Crump on WBUR’s On Point with Tom Ashbrook here.

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