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Habeas Sighting: Boston, MA

Gabe Rottman,
Legislative Counsel,
ACLU Washington Legislative Office
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May 22, 2007

The Kyle family from Norman, Oklahoma was vacationing in Boston recently and sent us this sighting after their tour of the Freedom Trail:

We took our kids on the historic Freedom Trail tour early this morning. Robert and I wanted to give them a more real understanding of the Revolutionary War and how we gained our independence.All along the red brick road, we saw messages painted in bright green. I thought maybe it was one of those odd stunts for the Cartoon Network. But the messages were not so cartoonish. One said “Are we really free?” and “Help make history…” and “The Founders would not be proud.”Then my oldest son Ike said he swore he saw a little green person running off toward the Paul Revere Mall holding a spray can. We followed and Bob try to get some video, but by the time we got there, all we saw we saw was a message sprayed on the side of the information booth: “Save Me – H.C.”

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