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Habeas Sighting: Kaanapali Beach, HI

Gabe Rottman,
Legislative Counsel,
ACLU Washington Legislative Office
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May 4, 2007

Looks like Habeas has found a way to leave the main land, at least according to this most recent sighting is from a 20-year-old college student named Becca:

My friends and I are here in Hawaii for two weeks – finals just ended like two days ago and we decided way back in the winter that we would get as far away from Ohio State as possible as soon as possible after our last exam.Anyhow, we were hanging out on the beach watching the surfers when my roommate Vanessa started walking toward the water and pointing. We all got up to see what she was looking at, because the way she was talking didn’t make any sense at first.She kept shouting “It’s Habeas!” Which sounded like some made-up name, or like maybe she was having a finals flash-back, but then I saw this little green guy riding a monstrous wave. At first I thought he was in a wetsuit, but as he got closer I realized that’s just, like, him. He’s green! It’s kind of cool.We didn’t want to bother him, so we just watched as he picked up his board and headed down the beach.Vanessa explained who he is, how great he is, how he is missing, all of that.Now that I know all that I kind of wish I had talked to him. I sure hope he’s ok.Becca

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