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Meet the ACLU Digital Privacy Team at SXSW!

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March 6, 2012

The ACLU's "dotRights" digital privacy team will be out in force at the 2012 South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Conference to make sure privacy is on the agenda!

From social networking to cloud computing, online shopping to location services, Americans are increasingly living, working and playing online. As technology is advancing at lightning speed, it can sometimes feel like privacy law is moving at a glacial pace. The ACLU believes you shouldn't have to choose between privacy and technology. That is why we started the Demand Your dotRights campaign, and why the campaign will be at SXSW, one of the country's largest and most influential gathering of technology and new media brands and innovators.

Here are the ways that you can interact with us –whether you'll be in Austin or not!

• We've been working on a new logo for the campaign, which we'll be unveiling at SXSW. We're almost ready to settle on one. Leave a comment and let us know which you like the best, and check our Facebook and Twitter feeds on Friday, or visit our booth at SXSW to see the winning design!
• We'll be tweeting all week from @dotRights; follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates and news from #sxswi!
• We will be at Stand 423 at the SXSW Trade Show from Monday, March 12 through Thursday, March 15.

ACLU staff will be participating in three timely privacy panels during the Interactive festival :

Privacy Bootcamp - Saturday, March 10 at 9:30 a.m. (#sxsw #Bootcamp), followed by a book signing of Privacy & Free Speech: It's Good for Business at the SXSW bookstore at 11:00 a.m. Get the inside track on why and how to avoid privacy mistakes that have landed other companies in hot water and make early decisions that are good for customers and the bottom line. Featuring: Nicole Ozer, Technology & Civil Liberties Policy Director, ACLU of Northern California (@nicoleozer); Elinor Mills, Senior Writer, CNET/CBS Interactive; Ki-Mae Heussner, Staff Writer, Adweek; and Raman Khanna, Partner, ONSET Ventures.

Big Data: Privacy Threat or Business Model? – Sunday, March 11 at 5:00 p.m. (#sxsw #cnet). This session sponsored by CNET and CBS Interactive will explore how we can protect ourselves, without overreacting, in the age of data abundance. Can we trust in the market to deliver the appropriate controls and user education, or do we need regulatory intervention? Featuring: Jay Stanley, Senior Policy Analyst, ACLU Speech, Privacy and Technology Project (@jaycstanley); Ashkan Soltani, Independent researcher & consultant focused on privacy, security, & behavioral economics; Declan McCullagh, Chief Political Correspondent, CNET/CBS Interactive; Molly Wood, Executive Editor, CBS Interactive; and Will DeVries, Privacy Counsel, Google Inc.

Mobile Privacy: Developer Kits and Tips - Tuesday, March 12 at 12:30 p.m. (#sxsw #privacy2go). Don't miss this hands-on workshop with mobile developers walking you through the tools and skills you need to build the next killer mobile app while protecting user privacy and avoiding the media firestorms and government investigations that can kill a fledgling product. Featuring: Chris Conley, Technology and Civil Liberties Attorney, ACLU of Northern California (@manconley); Kevin Mahaffey, CTO, Lookout Mobile Security, Tim Vetter, Head of Mobile Engineering, Foursquare; Nick Doty, UC Berkeley School of Information; and Tara Whalen, Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

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