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Military Heroes Speak Out Against Military Ban on Abortion Coverage in New Ad Campaign

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June 7, 2012

The ACLU, in conjunction with a group of retired military leaders and veterans, launched a new ad campaign today targeting the Department of Defense’s ban on servicewomen using their insurance to pay for abortion services if they become pregnant as the result of rape or incest. The ads were released as part of a coalition effort, Stand With Servicewomen, designed to raise awareness of, and ultimately end, this unfair policy.

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The first ad, “Denied,” features three female veterans – Dottie Guy, Kayla Williams and Shannon Clark, who have recently returned from war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan. In the ad they speak passionately on behalf of women currently serving in the military. Seated in front of a bank of American flags, each shares a part of the following: “As a soldier in Iraq, I put my life on the line to protect and defend my country. I fought for the freedom and justice our country stands for. Yet, I’m denied proper reproductive health care benefits; denied abortion care even if I’m the victim of rape. I expected the horror of war in Iraq – but I expected better from my own government.”

In another ad, which will debut later this week, Lt. Gen. Robert Gard, a three-star general and 31-year Army veteran, also speaks out against the abortion coverage ban in cases of rape. “Over 250,000 women have served our country with honor and courage in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet, our servicewomen are denied coverage for abortion… even if they’re raped. We have an obligation to provide military women with the care their service to our country demands. Women in the military deserve better care. Period.”

The ads are scheduled to run in rotation throughout June in the greater Washington D.C. area. They can be viewed at, along with videos, blogs and news featuring former and retired military leaders.

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