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Pennsylvania Overturns its 200th Death Row Sentence

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July 3, 2007

On June 20, the state of Pennsylvania overturned its 200th death row sentence since the state's 1978 reinstatement of capital punishment. The Pennsylvania Moratorium Coalition (PMC) marked this milestone by rallying public support for the passage of PA Senate Bill 850, which would place a moratorium on executions for two years and create a study commission on the use of capital punishment.

Vicki Schieber, whose daughter was murdered in Philadelphia in 1998, spoke at a press conference in May that announced the formation of the PMC. You can watch a clip of the press conference on YouTube (the video was edited by Dan Kovacs and Abby Wheeler, one of the ACLU's 2007 Youth Scholars), and get more death penalty news from the Capital Punishment Project's webpage.

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