
Additional Ways to Protect Free Speech

Document Date: March 4, 2004

Write a letter to the editor
Letters to the editor are powerful advocacy tools because they reach a large audience and are often monitored by members of Congress. Even if just one letter against the flag amendment is published, it reinforces the fact that the American public does not speak with one voice on this issue. For more information on writing letters to the editor visit the ACLU Letters to the Editor page.

Run our Fight for the Flag animation on your web page as an animated GIF file:

Copy and paste the following text into your HTML web page wherever you want this ACLU Flag Campaign icon to appear:

<a HREF="/freespeech/flag/11110res20030221.html">
<IMG SRC="/graphics/acluflag.gif"
ALT="[ACLU Campaign to Oppose the Flag Desecration Amendment]"
HEIGHT="80" WIDTH="160" BORDER="0"><BR></a>

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