
FOIA Follow-up Letter concerning JetBlue Data Transfer

Document Date: February 23, 2004

Patricia M. Riep-Dice
Transportation Security Administration
TSA Headquarters-West Tower
4th Floor, TSA-20
601 South 12th Street
Washington, DC 22202-4220

Re: Freedom of Information Act Request


We request an immediate response to our September 19, 2003 letter asking for all records held by the United States Transportation Security Administration (TSA) regarding access and/or use of JetBlue Airways (JetBlue) passenger data in connection with various security systems (attached).

On Friday, February 20, 2004, Department of Homeland Chief Privacy Ms. Nuala O'Connor Kelly released her Report to the Public on Events Surrounding JetBlue Data Transfer. This report described the Transportation Security Administration's role in transferring JetBlue Airline's passenger data to a private contractor, Torch Concepts.

TSA had to prepare the documents described in our September 19th request in order to respond to Ms. Kelly's investigation. In fact she formally thanked the TSA FOIA office for their assistance in compiling documents for her review. JetBlue Report at 3. There is no excuse for not disclosing these documents to the public pursuant to our Freedom of Information Act request. It should simply require the photocopying of these already compiled documents. In fact, their disclosure is essential to the public's understanding and evaluation of Ms. Kelley's report

We look forward to your quick reply.


Christopher R. Calabrese
Counsel, Technology & Liberty Program

Barry Steinhardt
Director, Technology & Liberty Program

Cc: Nuala O'Connor Kelly

Chief Privacy Officer, Department of Homeland Security

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