
Military Contractor Human Trafficking - Documents Released Under FOIA

Document Date: September 19, 2012

REPORT - Victims of Complacency: The Ongoing Trafficking and Abuse of Third Country Nationals by U.S. Government Contractors »

In July 2011 the ACLU filed a lawsuit demanding that the government release documents relating to the trafficking and the abusive treatment of foreign workers on U.S. military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case, brought on behalf of the Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project, seeks documents from the Departments of State and Defense that detail audits and complaints about military contractors working in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The complaint can be found at

The FOIA request can be found at

Released FOIA Documents

> Military Contractor Human Trafficking - Documents 1/18/2012 DoD-IG Release 1 of 2
> Military Contractor Human Trafficking - Documents 1/18/2012 DoD-IG Release 2 of 2
> Military Contractor Human Trafficking - Documents DoS Release Pages 16-94; DoS Release Pages 95-219
> Military Contractor Human Trafficking - Documents 4/12/2012 DoD-IG Release Pages 57-1876
> Military Contractor Human Trafficking - Documents 4/12/2012 DOD-IG Release Part 2a-7, Pages 1877-2440
> Military Contractor Human Trafficking - Documents 5/23/2012 DOD-IG Release Pages 002441-003240
> Military Contractor Human Trafficking – Documents DCMA Release Pages 8-1831
> Military Contractor Human Trafficking - Documents 02/17/2012 DOS 004-015
> Military Contractor Human Trafficking - Documents 04/03/2012 DOS Pages 220-312
> Military Contractor Human Trafficking - Documents 10/20/2011 DOS Segment G001
> Military Contractor Human Trafficking - Documents 04/23/2012 DCMA 0001-0039
> Military Contractor Human Trafficking - Documents 04/23/2012 CENTCOM


> Selected Glossary
> FOIA Exemptions List

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