The bill was supported by Governor Bill Richardson and passed the New Mexico House of Representatives last year, but failed by just one vote in the Senate. The ACLU has been working with Equality New Mexico over the past year to increase public support and secure the votes necessary to pass the bill this legislative session. The bill would be a huge step forward for same-sex couples in New Mexico, who need legal protections for their families. It would guarantee that same-sex couples can visit each other in the hospital and make emergency medical decisions on behalf of incapacitated partners. It would include same-sex couples in the state’s inheritance laws, ensuring that partners and children aren’t shut out of inheritance if one partner dies without a will. It would guarantee that the children couples raise together have a legal relationship with both parents.
Since the bill was introduced, same-sex couples from throughout the state have come forward to talk about their families and explain what it’s like to be in a committed relationship but treated as legal strangers. The story of Andrea Joseph and Dee Musgrove is especially moving. Andrea and Dee recently took a scuba diving vacation to Cancun, Mexico, to explore the region's underwater caves. On the final day of their vacation, Dee died suddenly of a heart attack. Because the U.S. government wouldn’t recognize their relationship, Dee was forced to make the couple’s 19-year-old son jump through numerous bureaucratic hoops in order to ship the body back to New Mexico for burial.
Watch the video of Andrea and Dee, and the other New Mexico couples featured on this page. If you live in New Mexico, find out what you can do to help pass the domestic partnership bill at
Additional Videos
Watch Kyle and Josh share their story.
>> Click here to watch the video on YouTube
Watch Miriam and Ona share their story.
>> Click here to watch the video on YouTube