
Ways to Take Action to Oppose Writing Discrimination into the Constitution

Document Date: February 27, 2004

  • Call, write, or fax your Members of Congress. Tell them you are concerned about the prospect of writing discrimination into the Constitution. To send a free fax to your Member of Congress, click here.
  • Meet with your Members of Congress in-district. Schedule a meeting with your Members of Congress to discuss your opposition to the Amendment. For more information, contact
  • Educate yourself, your family and friends. Host an event - a forum, debate, tea party, or book reading - to discuss the implications of the Federal Marriage Amendment. For more information, contact
  • Bring together a local coalition of groups to lobby your Members of Congress to ensure that the Constitution is not amended to include discrimination. Contact the ACLU Field team at
  • Generate media attention through letters to the editor and op-ed pieces. For assistance, contact
  • Let us hear from you. Collect news articles and quotes capturing local debate about the Marriage Amendment and any letters or feedback you get from your Members of Congress. Send them to the ACLU at

Act now because freedom can't protect itself!

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