ACLU Comment on President Biden’s Democracy Speech

September 1, 2022 8:15 pm

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WASHINGTON — Tonight, President Biden gave a speech in Philadelphia about the serious threats facing democracy.

The following comment is from Ben Needham, Deputy Political Director of the ACLU:

“We couldn’t agree more about the attacks facing our democracy that President Biden spoke about this evening. The ongoing threat, the “Big Lie” has been waged by individuals pushing baseless conspiracy theories about widespread voter fraud. At the ACLU this election cycle, we are committed to ensure voters are well informed about elected officials who push the voter fraud myth.

“It should concern every American that there are politicians using these unfounded claims as pretext for passing voter suppression laws and failing to improve access to the ballot. These efforts actively threaten the political power of targeted communities.

“While the ACLU will continue to litigate and push back against discriminatory and illegal voter suppression attempts, President Biden and federal agencies have a tremendous opportunity through last year’s executive order to build on the work already being done at the state and local levels to register eligible Americans. Ultimately, Congress must pass federal voting rights legislation to protect the right to vote for all Americans. Our democracy can’t be taken for granted and it must be protected and fortified in every state.”

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