ACLU Comment on Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act Introduction

October 1, 2015 11:45 am

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NEW YORK — In response to the introduction by Senators Chuck Grassley and Richard Durbin of the bipartisan and comprehensive Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act, Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union had the following reaction:

“America is ready and desperately needs a massive overhaul of its criminal justice laws and policies, and Congress has decided to finally show up to the party. The introduction today of the bipartisan-supported Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act by a politically diverse set of Senators is one step in the direction of the changes in our deeply flawed justice system America needs and deserves.

“The bill offers many promising reforms that will reduce mass incarceration and its devastating effects on our country: changing sentences retroactively for drug offenses, increasing support for anti-recidivism programs, limiting the use of solitary confinement for young people, providing for the compassionate release of elderly prisoners.

“We have deep concerns about other aspects, especially the expansion of some mandatory minimum sentences. We believe that punishments must fit the crime and that a cookie-cutter approach too often gets in the way of justice.

“We look forward to working across political divides to make this bill one that keeps America’s communities truly safe and embodies the American values of equality and justice for all.”

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