ACLU Comment on Sentencing Reform Senate Committee Vote

February 14, 2018 2:30 pm

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WASHINGTON — The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a markup vote tomorrow on a bill to address the problem of mass incarceration at the federal level.

The Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act (SRCA S. 1917), supported by the American Civil Liberties Union, aims to reduce incarceration rates by instituting reforms such as giving judges additional discretion in sentencing and reducing sentencing disparities.

Jesselyn McCurdy, deputy director of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office, said:

“Tomorrow’s vote will be the most significant criminal justice reform legislation to be considered by Congress since 2010. The Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act is our best chance in nearly a decade to make meaningful reforms to help prevent mass incarceration. Mass incarceration is an utter failure as a public policy due to its failure to increase public safety and its disproportionate impact to poor communities and people of color.

“The bill isn’t perfect but will help reduce America’s incarceration problem that has ravaged our communities and left us with the world’s largest prison population. We urge Congress to swiftly enact this bill.”

An ACLU letter to Congress in support of the bill is available here:

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