ACLU Comment on Trump Election Commission Disbanding

January 3, 2018 8:15 pm

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NEW YORK — President Trump’s so-called “Presidential Commission on Election Integrity” is disbanding. The commission vice chair is Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, whom the American Civil Liberties Union has successfully sued numerous times over voter suppression policies. The ACLU also has pending legal action against the Trump commission.

Dale Ho, director of the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project, had this reaction to news of the commission’s dissolution:

“This commission was a sham from the start and everyone recognized it. We have real problems when it comes to elections: low voter turnout, unnecessary barriers to participation, outdated and insecure machines, and possible foreign interference. But rather than address these real threats to election integrity, the commission engaged in a wild-goose chase for voter fraud, demonizing the very American voters whom we should all be helping to participate — with the not-so-secret goal of making voting harder with unnecessary barriers. President Trump has tried and failed to spread his own fake news about voter fraud. We are proud of the role that the ACLU’s litigation had in ending this charade.”

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