ACLU of Georgia Demands Elections Officials to Stop Mass Voter Eligibility Challenges to Hundreds of Thousands of Voters

Affiliate: ACLU of Georgia
December 18, 2020 2:00 pm

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ATLANTA – The ACLU of Georgia sent an open letter to Georgia elections officials regarding the mass challenges to voter eligibility of 364,541 voters while the runoff election is currently underway. The mass challenge is being initiated by True the Vote, an organization based in Texas.

“Disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of voters on the eve of an election based on yet another conspiracy theory is wrong and violates federal law,” said Sean J. Young, legal director of the ACLU of Georgia. “We commend elections officials such as the Cobb County Board of Elections and Registration who have found that these types of challenges lack probable cause, and urge other elections officials to follow the law as well.”

"This mass challenge technique is an old trick in the voter suppression handbook," said Andrea Young, ACLU of Georgia Executive Director. "Once again, a Texas entity is meddling in Georgia's election. This tactic is an affront to the diligence of hard working election officials across the state and the sacred rights of Georgia citizens in our democracy. Voters should continue to exercise their right to vote."

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