ACLU of Georgia Opposes Bill that Tramples First Amendment

Affiliate: ACLU of Georgia
March 30, 2021 1:15 pm

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ACLU of Georgia
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ATLANTA – The right to join with fellow citizens in protest or peaceful assembly is critical to a functioning democracy and at the core of the First Amendment.

“The First Amendment is vital to ensuring we have a free and fair democracy, but House Bill 289 tramples on and makes a mockery of the First Amendment. House Bill 289 encourages the dehumanization and assault of protesters, among a variety of other concerning provisions,” wrote Christopher Bruce, political director of the ACLU of Georgia. “What makes House Bill 289 even more concerning is the fact that we know from history that the people who will suffer the most if this legislation were to become law are people of color, as they are most often the targets of drastic law enforcement responses.”

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