ACLU Mourns The Loss Of Dr. George Tiller, Murdered In An Apparent Act Of Anti-Abortion Violence

June 1, 2009 12:00 am

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Statement By Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director, American Civil Liberties Union And Louise Melling, Director, ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project

CONTACT: (212) 549-2666;

NEW YORK – We are shocked and saddened by the murder yesterday of Dr. George Tiller, a doctor in Wichita, Kansas, who for decades provided abortions for women even in the face of harassment and violence. Dr. Tiller continued to care for women after being shot in 1993 and while experiencing relentless threats and harassment at his home, his place of worship and his clinic. We honor Dr. Tiller's courage and compassion throughout his life and condemn his heinous murder.

Dr. Tiller was a man who understood the importance of ensuring women's access to safe and legal abortion care. He respected the right of every woman to be able to make this most private and personal decision of whether to have a child, and he worked to ensure that a woman experiencing a problem pregnancy could obtain an abortion to protect her health and life. He was a true beacon of liberty.

Our thoughts and sympathy are with Dr. Tiller's family, friends, staff and colleagues. We proudly stand with abortion providers throughout the country who care for women every day and demonstrate what it means to ensure everyone's constitutional right to make private health care decisions free from violence, harassment and intimidation.

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