ACLU of Southern California Proposition Endorsements for 2020 Election

October 5, 2020 1:15 pm

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The American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California endorses Yes on Propositions 15, 16, 17, 18, and 21 and No on Propositions 19, 20, 22, 24, and 25 for the election on November 3, 2020. The ACLU SoCal also endorses Yes on Measure J on the ballot in Los Angles County.

Here’s a summary of the ACLU SoCal’s recommendations in numeral order, plus the measure:

  • YES on Prop 15 that would close a tax loophole used by the wealthiest corporations. It will reclaim $12 billion annually for K-12 schools, community colleges, and critical local services.
  • YES on Prop 16 that would restore affirmative action in public education, employment, and contracting. It directly addresses systemic racism and gender discrimination.
  • YES on Prop 17 that would restore voting rights to people in California after finishing their prison terms. It allows them to reintegrate into society and have a say in our democracy.
  • YES on Prop 18 that would expand voting rights to 17-year-olds by allowing them to vote in primary or special elections if they will be 18 by the time of the next general election.
  • NO on Prop 19 that would allow some property owners to carry their existing property tax rates to new homes anywhere in the state. It threatens funding for schools and essential services.
  • NO on Prop 20 that would turn back a recent succession of reforms in our justice system and dramatically increase the number of people incarcerated in our prisons and jails.
  • YES on Prop 21 that would allow local communities to institute or expand rent control to help deal with California’s housing crisis and rising numbers of people who are homeless.
  • NO on Prop 22 that was written by app-based rideshare and delivery companies. It would deny drivers minimum wages, paid sick leave, and unemployment insurance.
  • NO on Prop 24 that is a fake privacy law. Instead of increasing protections, it requires people to jump through more hoops and adds anti-privacy loopholes for big business.
  • NO on Prop 25 that would eliminate money bail, but replace it with risk assessment tools that are racially and socioeconomically biased. It would also expand police agency funding.
  • YES on Measure J in L.A. County that would allocate at least 10% of existing locally-controlled revenues for community investment and alternatives to incarceration.

Read the ACLU SoCal’s Ballot Guide:

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