ACLU Statement on Charlottesville Violence and Demonstrations
The following is a statement from the American Civil Liberties Union on the violence and demonstrations in Charlottesville, Virginia:
“We condemn the voices of white supremacy heard in Charlottesville today, and all violence. Our hearts are with those killed and injured.
“Participants like KKK leader David Duke made it clear why white supremacists took to the streets of Charlottesville — they applaud President Trump’s policies and wish to intimidate Americans who are working for equality and liberty in the United States. We, like counter-protesters & others around our country, won't be intimidated. We work daily to fight systems & policies of white supremacy.
“The First Amendment is a critical part of our democracy, and it protects vile, hateful, and ignorant speech. For this reason, the ACLU of Virginia defended the white supremacists’ right to march. But we will not be silent in the face of white supremacy. Those who do stand silent enable it. That includes our president.”
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