House Committee Approves NSA Reform Bill

May 7, 2014 2:32 pm

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WASHINGTON – The House Judiciary Committee voted unanimously today to approve a revised version of the USA Freedom Act, a bipartisan bill that curtails the NSA’s surveillance programs. The American Civil Liberties Union voiced support for reforms that end bulk collection of Americans’ communications, noting that the bill still needs improvements and that additional reforms to NSA programs are required.

Laura W. Murphy, director of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office, had this reaction to today’s vote:

“This is a historic turn of events in our government's approach to counterterrorism policies. This is the first bill to rein in government spying and bulk collection of our most private phone and digital information. This legislation will help keep Americans safe but will also provide greater privacy and transparency in our surveillance programs. The committee’s actions are a step towards bringing the government’s surveillance regime in line with the Constitution, even as more reforms are needed. Today’s milestone vote is a direct result of the important disclosures made by Edward Snowden.”

A letter to the committee detailing the ACLU’s comments on specific provisions of the bill is at:

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