NYCLU on NYS Passing Legislation to Restore Voting Rights to People on Parole

Affiliate: ACLU of New York
April 21, 2021 3:30 pm

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ALBANY, N.Y. – The New York State Assembly joined the Senate by passing legislation to permanently and automatically restore the right of people on parole to vote in all elections.

In response, the New York Civil Liberties Union issued the following statement from senior staff attorney Perry Grossman:

“The NYCLU applauds the Assembly for passing A4448, which will automatically restore the voting rights of people on parole once they return home to their communities.

“With today’s vote, the legislature brings New York one step closer to replacing voting restrictions rooted in racism with evidence-based policymaking. Civic engagement after re-entry correlates with lower recidivism, better outcomes for people on parole, and greater community stability. We urge Governor Cuomo to make the automatic restoration of voting rights for New York’s returning citizens permanent without delay.”

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