Dec 15, 2023
Advocates Applaud Fifth Circuit’s Denial of State’s Request for Reconsideration in Robinson v. Ardoin
NEW ORLEANS — Today, in Robinson v. Ardoin, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals denied Louisiana’s motion to revisit the court’s Nov. 10, 2023 decision upholding the constitut...
Issue Areas: Voting Rights
Court case: Robinson v. Landry
Dec 15, 2023
Fifth Circuit Denies Louisiana's Attempt to Thwart Private Plaintiffs' Right to Sue Under Section 2 of the VRA; Eighth Circuit Panel Decision Remains a Radical Outlier
NEW ORLEANS — The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals denied Louisiana’s petition for a rehearing in Robinson v. Ardoin, a case brought by the American Civil Liberties Union, Legal ...
Issue Areas: Voting Rights
Court case: Robinson v. Landry
Dec 15, 2023
Appeals Court Declines To Rule Against Connecticut’s Inclusive Policy for Transgender Athletes
NEW YORK CITY - In a Title IX case brought by cisgender plaintiffs challenging Connecticut’s inclusive student athletic policy, the Second Circuit sent the case back to the distr...
Dec 15, 2023
Georgia Court Blocks Racially Gerrymandered Cobb County School Board Map
COBB COUNTY, GA — In a win for Black and Latinx voters, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia blocked the Cobb County School Board from using its racially ...
Dec 14, 2023
NYCLU & Advocates Alert Nassau County of First Possible NYVRA Redistricting Challenge
NASSAU COUNTY, NY– Today, the New York Civil Liberties Union, the American Civil Liberties Union, LatinoJustice PRLDEF, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and S...
Dec 14, 2023
Virginia Supreme Court Reinstates Case Seeking to Allow Misgendering of Transgender Students
RICHMOND, Va. — The Supreme Court of Virginia issued a ruling today reinstating a case brought by a public school teacher seeking the right to mistreat transgender students by re...
Issue Areas: LGBTQ Rights
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