May 15, 2024
Louisiana Congressional Map with Two Majority-Black Districts Set for 2024 Elections After Supreme Court Issues Emergency Stay
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Supreme Court granted an emergency stay today in Robinson v. Callais, pausing enforcement of a district court’s decision to strike down Louisiana’s cong...
Issue Areas: Voting Rights
Court case: Callais v. Landry
May 01, 2024
Case Heads to Supreme Court After Divided Three-Judge Panel Overturns Louisiana Congressional Map with Two Majority-Black Districts
SHREVEPORT, La. – A group of Black voters and civic organizations filed a notice of appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court after a divided panel of three federal court judges overturne...
Issue Areas: Voting Rights
Court case: Callais v. Landry
Apr 01, 2024
Federal Trial Challenging Florida Law that Targets Voter Registration, Civic Engagement, and Political Speech Begins
Civil Rights and Latinx-led organizations are challenging a provision in SB 7050 that prohibits noncitizens from collecting or handling voter registration forms
Mar 28, 2024
Texas Second Court of Appeals Reverses Crystal Mason’s Conviction in Major Voting Rights Victory
AUSTIN, Texas — The Texas Second Court of Appeals reversed Crystal Mason’s conviction on Thursday evening, resulting in an acquittal. She had faced five years in prison for sub...
Mar 28, 2024
District Court Allows South Carolina's Racially Gerrymandered Congressional Map to Remain in Place for 2024 Election Cycle
COLUMBIA, S.C. — A three-judge district court issued an order allowing South Carolina's racially gerrymandered congressional map to remain in place for 2024 elections. This order...
Issue Areas: Voting Rights
Mar 27, 2024
Voting Rights Groups Respond to Federal Court Decision Allowing Pa. Counties to Reject Some Mail Ballots
Ballots With Incorrect or Missing Handwritten Date on Outer Envelope can be Rejected Under Today’s Ruling
Issue Areas: Voting Rights
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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