Jan 24, 2017
Court Finds Federal Immigration Officials and State of Rhode Island Violated the Constitution in Detaining US Citizen
PROVIDENCE, R.I. — A federal court has ruled that federal immigration officials and the state of Rhode Island violated the Constitution in detaining a U.S. citizen without probab...
Issue Areas: Immigrants' Rights
Jan 24, 2017
President Trump Issues Executive Order Allowing Construction of Dakota Access Pipeline
STANDING ROCK INDIAN RESERVATION, N.D. — President Trump issued an executive order today to allow the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline through the Standing Rock Indian ...
Issue Areas: Racial Justice
Jan 24, 2017
Civil Rights Groups File Class Action Lawsuit Against Wisconsin State Officials for Unconstitutional Use of Solitary Confinement, Other Inhumane Conditions in State-Run Youth Correctional Facilities
MILWAUKEE, Wisc. – The ACLU of Wisconsin and Juvenile Law Center, with pro-bono assistance from Quarles & Brady, filed a class action lawsuit last night in federal court agai...
Issue Areas: Juvenile Justice
Jan 21, 2017
ACLU: Spicer Comments on Media Ring of McCarthyism, Will Lead to Losing Legal Battles
NEW YORK — White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer today accused news media of falsely reporting the size of yesterday’s Inauguration Day crowd, adding that “we’re going to...
Issue Areas: Free Speech
Jan 20, 2017
ACLU Announces First Legal Action on Trump Conflicts of Interest, Lays Out Plan to Challenge Proposed Policies
NEW YORK — The American Civil Liberties Union has taken legal action seeking documents on conflicts of interest and violations of the Constitution and federal law posed by Presid...
Jan 19, 2017
President Grants Commutations to 330 Federal Prisoners, Including Robert Riley
WASHINGTON — President Obama today announced 330 grants of commutation. His total for his eight years in office is 1,715 commutations, 568 of which were for people serving life s...
Issue Areas: Smart Justice
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