Jan 18, 2017
State Supreme Court Calls For District Attorneys To Dismiss Thousands of Tainted Dookhan Convictions
BOSTON, Mass. — The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court today called on district attorneys to dismiss thousands of cases that were tainted by the misconduct of chemist Annie Doo...
Jan 17, 2017
President Grants Commutations to 209 Federal Prisoners
WASHINGTON —President Obama today announced 209 grants of commutation, bringing the total number in his eight years in office to 1,385. The recipients include American Civil Libe...
Jan 17, 2017
President Obama Grants Commutation to Chelsea Manning
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration announced today the commutation of Chelsea Manning’s sentence for disclosing classified information that raised public awareness regarding...
Jan 16, 2017
ACLU Calls on Americans to Take “The People’s Oath” and Pledge to Protect and Defend the Constitution
Launches Digital Campaign to Create Personalized Oaths to Coincide with Jan. 20th Inauguration
Jan 13, 2017
Statement on Release of Department of Justice findings on Chicago Police Department
The following is the statement of ACLU of Illinois Police Practice Project Director Karen Sheley regarding the release of the Department of Justice findings on the Chicago Police D...
Issue Areas: Criminal Law Reform
Jan 12, 2017
ACLU Comment on Expansion of NSA Information Sharing
WASHINGTON — The director of national intelligence issued procedures today that expand the power of the National Security Agency to share information with 16 other government age...
Issue Areas: National Security
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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