Nov 29, 2016
Supreme Court Hears Arguments in ACLU Immigration Detention Case
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court heard arguments today in Jennings v. Rodriguez, a case that will decide the fate of thousands of people languishing in immigration prisons. America...
Issue Areas: Immigrants' Rights
Nov 29, 2016
ACLU Finds Parole Nearly Impossible for Prisoners Who Committed Serious Crimes as Youth
Report shows parole boards failing to release these prisoners, despite years of rehabilitation and evidence that they pose no risk to society
Issue Areas: Smart Justice
Nov 22, 2016
President Obama Grants Commutations to 79 Federal Prisoners
WASHINGTON – After commuting the sentences of 72 prisoners earlier this month, President Obama today commuted the sentences of 79 more prisoners. Of today's 79 grants, 54 were in...
Issue Areas: Smart Justice
Nov 18, 2016
ACLU Statement on Potential Sessions and Pompeo Nominations
NEW YORK — In response to reports that Sen. Jeff Sessions will be nominated for the position of Attorney General and Rep. Mike Pompeo for director of the Central Intelligence Age...
Nov 17, 2016
ACLU Comment on Japanese Internment, Muslim Registry Comments from Trump Backer
WASHINGTON —A prominent backer of Donald Trump, Carl Higbie, recently cited the Japanese-American internment camps created during World War II as precedent for reviving a discred...
Nov 16, 2016
ACLU of Minnesota Responds to Charges Against St. Anthony Officer Who Killed Philando Castile
ST. PAUL, Minn. – Today the Ramsey County Attorney announced that the officer who killed Philando Castile will be charged with manslaughter in the second degree and two felony co...
Issue Areas: Criminal Law Reform
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