Mar 23, 2016
Supreme Court to Hear Case Brought by Employers Trying to Block Employees’ Birth Control Coverage
Zubik v. Burwell Raises Question Whether The Opt-Out for Employers Who Object to Contraceptive Coverage Violates Employer’s Religious Exercise
Issue Areas: Reproductive Freedom
Mar 22, 2016
Wisconsin Asks Supreme Court to Consider Abortion Case
Law Would Shut Down One of the State’s Few Remaining Clinics
Issue Areas: Reproductive Freedom
Mar 21, 2016
Arizona City Repeals ‘Nuisance’ Law Challenged by ACLU on Behalf of Domestic Violence Survivor
Surprise, Ariz., Can No Longer Threaten Crime Victims With Eviction for Calling Police
Mar 17, 2016
ACLU Settlement in Utah Student 'Gang Sweep' Lawsuit
Salt Lake City Police and School District to Change How They Treat Students of Color and Engage in School Disciplinary Issues
Mar 17, 2016
ACLU Sues for Federal Records on Grant to Religious Group That Obstructs Trafficking Victims’ Access to Reproductive Health Care
FOIA Lawsuit Demands Records on $2 Million Contract to U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Mar 15, 2016
Biloxi and ACLU Settle Lawsuit Over Jailing of Indigent People
BILOXI, Miss. — The American Civil Liberties Union and the city of Biloxi have settled a federal lawsuit that alleged the jailing of people unable to pay court-ordered fines and ...
Issue Areas: Racial Justice
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