Oct 21, 2015
Transgender Student Asks Appeals Court to Stop Virginia School’s Discriminatory Restroom Policy
ACLU Seeks Reversal of Lower Court Decision That Forces Trans Students to Continue Using Separate Facilities
Issue Areas: LGBTQ Rights
Oct 21, 2015
ACLU Challenges Deep South Debtors' Prisons in Pushback Against National Scourge
BILOXI, Miss. — In the latest pushback against the national scourge of debtors' prisons, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a federal lawsuit challenging the illegal arrest...
Oct 20, 2015
ACLU Comment on US Senate Vote on ‘Sanctuary’ Policies Bill
WASHINGTON – A U.S. Senate bill seeking to defund over 350 localities that have adopted community trust policies and refused to execute unconstitutional immigration detainers has...
Oct 20, 2015
SNL Comedian Sasheer Zamata Named ACLU Celebrity Ambassador on Women’s Rights
NEW YORK – Actress and comedian Sasheer Zamata, known for her breakout role on the cast of Saturday Night Live, will partner with the American Civil Liberties Union to support wo...
Oct 19, 2015
ACLU Comment on Wisconsin Voter Ballot Access Decision
MILWAUKEE – A federal district court today rejected a request to increase access to the ballot for Wisconsin voters. The American Civil Liberties Union sought to expand the list ...
Oct 16, 2015
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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The American Civil Liberties Union has media staff available to handle inquiries from journalists on national issues affecting civil liberties, including questions on legislative matters that touch on civil liberties and constitutional freedoms and inquiries related to ACLU lawsuits.

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