ACLU Suggested List of Issues to the U.N. Country Report Task Force on U.S. Compliance with the International Covenant On Civil And Political Rights (ICCPR)

Submitted Prior to the U.S. Periodic Report

Document Date: January 15, 2019

The ACLU has submitted a list of suggested issues and questions to be considered by the U.N. Human Rights Committee prior to the 4th U.S. periodic report. The Committee’s consideration of United States compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) comes at a critical time of grave civil liberties and human rights violations committed by the Trump administration.

We have asked the committee to consider the following issues:
1) The Militarization of the U.S.-Mexico Border
2) Extraterritorial Use of Force
3) National Security Agency Surveillance
4) Solitary Confinement
5) Death Penalty

Additionally, we have asked the committee to review the ACLU's report The Department of Injustice Under Jeff Sessions.

We have submitted this report in the hopes that U.N. Human Rights Committee will consider these issues in their evaluations of the U.S.’s compliance with the ICCPR and provide an swift and cohesive report, applying necessary pressure for change to the Trump administration.

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