Custody and Control: Conditions of Confinement in New York’s Juvenile Prisons for Girls

Document Date: September 25, 2006

Custody and Control provides an in-depth look at the abuses and neglect suffered by girls confined in two remote New York juvenile facilities known as Tryon and Lansing. The facilities are operated by the New York Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) and are the only two higher-security facilities in New York State holding girls.

Author: Mie Lewis

Press Coverage: The New York Times

Articles/Blogs Written by Author: "New Report Reveals Damage Done to Incarcerted Girls" - ACLU | "Behind Bars, But Not Alone" - ACLU

Related Advocacy/Litigation: ACLU Challenges Solitary Confinement and Unwarranted Strip Searches of Girls Held in Texas Youth Prison | ACLU Files Lawsuit on Behalf of Women Prisoners Confined in Men's Prison | Child's Death Raises Concerns about Procedures and Oversight at NY Prison Facility for Boys


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