Reports to UN CERD on Race and Ethnicity In The United States

Document Date: December 10, 2007

> Report: Race & Ethnicity in America: Turning a Blind Eye to Injustice (PDF)
> Executive Summary
> Resumen Ejecutivo: Raza y ethnicidad en Estados Unidos: Dando la espalda a la injustia (PDF)

Click on the map to learn more about racial discrimination problems in your state >>

U.N. Human Rights Body Issues Decisive Observations On Racial Discrimination In U.S.
The UN CERD Committee issued a letter espressing their concerns over the lack of progress to end racial discrimination in the U.S.
> News Release (10/8/2009)
> UN CERD Cmte Letter to U.S. (9/28/2009)

The Persistence Of Racial And Ethnic Profiling In The United States
6/30/2009 - A Follow-Up Report To The U.N. Committee On The Elimination Of Racial Discrimination
The historic fight against discrimination and racial bias in the United States continues and has perhaps become more challenging in the 21st century. Although fewer de jure forms of discrimination remain in existence, de facto racial disparities continue to plague the United States and curtail the enjoyment of fundamental human rights by millions of people who belong to racial and ethnic minorities.
Read the CERD Follow-up Report >>

Race & Ethnicity In America: Turning A Blind Eye To Injustice
12/10/2007 - On December 10, 2007, the ACLU released a comprehensive analysis of the pervasive, institutionalized, systemic and structural racism in America. The report, Race & Ethnicity in America: Turning a Blind Eye to Injustice, is a response to the U.S. report to the United Nations' Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) released earlier this year. The U.S. report, which the ACLU called a "whitewash" swept under the rug the dramatic effects of widespread racial and ethnic discrimination in this country, and fails to honestly assess the ways in which racial and ethnic discrimination and inequality persist.

Read the 2007 ACLU CERD report >>

> Blog: Profile-Me-Not (10/8/2009)
> News: New Report From ACLU And RWG Finds Racial Profiling Still Pervasive (6/30/2009)
> Blog: Nicole Kief - Send Racial Profiling Into Retirement (6/30/2009)
> Blog: Suzanne Ito- Stimulus Funds: Mind the Gap (2/25/2009)
> News: Stimulus Funds Should Go To Improving Education For Poor And Minority Communities, Says ACLU (2/25/2009)
> Blog: Nahal Zamani- Far Too Little, Much Too Late (1/15/2009)
> News: Human Rights Groups Decry Bush Administration's Whitewash Report On Racial Discrimination In United States (1/14/2009)
> News: International Human Rights Experts Denounce U.S. Record On Racial And Ethnic Discrimination (3/7/2008)
> News: ACLU in Geneva to Testify on Ongoing Racial and Ethnic Injustice (2/18/2008)
> News: ACLU Releases Scathing Analysis of Government’s Report to UN Committee on Racial Discrimination (6/13/2007)

> ACLU Letter to Secretary of Education (2/25/2009)
> Report: Concluding Observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (3/7/2008)
> Map: Racial Discrimination Problems State-By-State
> Testimony: Akif Rahman's Statement (2/18/2008)
> Report: Brief and Initial Analysis of the United States Report to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (6/12/2007)

Steven Elloie was severly beaten and tasered by police officers searching his business without a warrant. The unprovoked attack by officers left Elloie severly injured.

Susana Rodriguez Blanco sought asylum in the U.S. after her father was assasinated in Venezuela. She and her mother were locked up in the Hutto detention center for several months.

Siti Rina Aisah was a paid less than 33 cents an hour as a domestic worker for the Ambassador to the Qatar Mission of the United Nations.

Taylor White Buffalo, a Native American student in South Dakota, was arrested and prosecuted for criminal misconduct defending himself in a fight against a Caucasian classmate.



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